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Become a Partner in the Gospel


1. Attend our Membership Class

Periodically we offer a Membership Class where lunch and childcare is provided. During this class you will learn what we are about and where we are headed as a church. We also take time to clarify what we believe and make sure you are grounded in the Gospel.


2. Affirm Personal Faith in Christ for Salvation and Baptism

We will ask you to verbally affirm that you have placed your faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ alone for salvation from your sin. Also, if you have not already been baptized as a believer, we expect all of our Partners in the Gospel to make the public profession of faith as a follower of Christ through baptism. 


3. Meet with an Elder/Pastor

Before officially committing in partnership we ask that you meet with a team (usually 2-3 people) of elders and/or pastor. This is a very informal meeting to get to know you better, pray for you, and clarify your understanding of the Gospel.


4. Committed Partner in the Gospel 

This final step is something that we are currently implementing at Whitewater Community Church. Because of our changing culture, we have clarified what is expected from all of our Partners in the Gospel. The expectations are nothing less than the clear commands in Scripture to live selflessly in the local Body of Christ. We have been very intentional to stay away from legalism and checking the boxes in this partnership. Our desire is to motivate a Gospel lifestyle in the Body of Christ through grace, not Law. 



Philippians 1.3-5: I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer

with joy, because of your PARTNERSHIP IN THE GOSPEL from the first day until now.  


UNITING in God's Mission ... UNLOCKING the transforming Gospel ... UPHOLDING the supremacy of Christ

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